With VaperTrail, I particularly like the way I can plan my week around work.
It allows me to anticipate and manage high risk patients with nursing assessments, referral letters, investigations and specialists’ letters all accessible in one place. Reducing the risk of unanticipated high risk patients helps reduce the stress of a busy work schedule.
Seeing the communications between our staff and patients regarding anaesthesia accounts makes it easier to put in place strategies to deal with unhappy patients. I can address, discuss and deal with disgruntled patients in a timely fashion and hopefully prevent misunderstandings escalating.
It is especially useful when taking over someone else’s list. I can see what cases/patients are still left to do and makes the delivery of anaesthesia services to our clients (both patients and surgeons) more seamless.
It serves as a useful nexus between work and private life too. I can see when colleagues and friends are busy or likely to have finished work and therefore able to take a call, or even plan social engagements. I can see evening commitments, committee meetings and educational events all in one place.
Access across multiple platforms is fundamental to its functionality too.