As a private anaesthetic practice, effective scheduling and billing systems are integral to our business. We had previously used a number of medical “off the shelf” software packages but none provided efficient integration and the support that we were looking for.

We were interested in VaperTrail as it fulfilled our requirements for a cost-efficient, integrated and well supported all-in-one scheduling, accounting and CRM solution. VaperTrail was specifically designed by an anaesthetist for these exact purposes and we have now been using Vapertrail since 2012.

Migration to VT was smooth and seamless. The software was easy to learn and in-service support and training was excellent.

Of particular note, VT has been extremely cost effective to us as we have managed to substantially expand the number of anaesthetists in our practice with little increase in administrative costs.

I would definitely recommend VT and their support team if you are looking for a reliable integrated scheduling and accounting package for your anaesthetic practice.